What’s in a Union?
What’s in a Union?
Ask any person ‘What is a Union’ and they’re likely to say that a Union is a group of like minded people with common aims
Ask Scots this question but split them into two groups
Unionists and Nationalists
The unionists are likely to say that the UK is a Union whereas the Nationalists are likely to say that the EU is a Union despite the UK being a country with one single Government with devolved administrations and the same currency and history and the EU is a collection of disparate countries with its biggest commonality being a common currency
Just like good friends, Unions are there for you through thick and thin. Through the bad times and well as the good times. That’s what the UK is. The last time this Union was at war with itself was well over 300 years ago, whereas almost all of the EU countries were at war with themselves just under 80 years ago. This is the Union that the SNP promotes as superior to the UK.
The SNP, in its perverted wisdom, seeks to break up the most successful Union of countries in history. They look to Italy, Germany and France and say. Look! They’re independent, whilst totally forgetting that they’re the product of previously independent regions and countries.
They have tapped into the part of our psyche that the Scots don’t like to talk about. Our racism towards England. Ever since I was young I have been taught that Scotland is superior to England in almost every area imaginable. On top of that they were always our opponents, our opposition, our enemy, our other.
Much of that was simply banter and fun but since the SNP came to power it has taken on a more sinister tone. The SNP really do believe that England is the enemy. They are everything we aren’t and everything we don’t want to be
Even the massive free fiscal grants we receive from England are used as an example as to why we need to be independent. No self respecting Scot would want to be subsidised by England! Well. That’s what the SNP want you to believe
The SNP now have a new tactic of trying to antagonise as many English people as possible so that they get rid of us. They know that they cannot get another legal referendum without WM’s permission so why not make things so bad that they want rid of us?
Although there has been a nationalist viewpoint in Scotland since the 30’s it really only took off with devolution. They tapped into another Scottish trait. Self Obsession. We seem to be, as a country, ill at ease with ourselves and totally obsessed with our image and self perceived abilities. It’s doesn’t matter whether these are true or not, the only thing that seems to matter is that we believe them
This is no more apparent than in our finances. Many of my friends are nationalists. Every single one of them, without exception, believes that Scotland subsidises the UK. The same goes on Twitter and Facebook. I have never ever came across a single Nationalist who doesn’t believe this
And the really bizarre thing is that it’s totally untrue.
Now that Brexit is ‘done’ and we have an FTA with the EU, the SNP’s job is even harder than before. Not only is Scotland fully outside the EU now but Britain is going Global. It’s extending its horizons to the fastest growing areas in the planet, whereas the SNP is trying to convince people that joining a sclerotic, bureaucratic, slow moving monolithic Empire is better
There is no more better example of this than the Biontech Pfizer vaccine. The EU didn’t order enough of it as it wanted to get more supplies from a French vaccine manufacturer.
This has now likely led to many unnecessary deaths as they won’t be able, in the short term, to roll out enough vaccines, and because they all wanted to start vaccinating at the same time they started almost 3 weeks after the UK first started vaccinating.
This wasn’t due to some unforeseen technicality but due to the cumbersome bureaucratic way the EU works. The SNP also operates like this. They hide information and secrecy is the order of the day. Just like the EU. Lack of accountability is another thing the SNP have in common with the EU. They really do believe that the common man shouldn’t bother with things such as healthcare, pensions and welfare etc. Let the grown ups (SNP) deal with it.
As we approach a new year in the midst of a worsening pandemic, there is hope on the horizon. Hopefully as the vaccination program rolls out we can get back to normality but for the SNP, their problems are only just beginning. Scandal after scandal are knocking them for six. This takes time to show up in the opinion polls but it’s almost certain that they’ve peaked.
Hopefully, a new dawn for Scotland awaits us and we can end this year by saying goodbye to two viruses
Covid and Nationalism.
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